
Birth package

In my birth package I can offer you support throughout your pregnancy, during your birth and postnatally. This will include 3 or 4 antenatal meetings where we can discuss what my role can be and how involved you would like me to be in antenatal appointments. We can discuss your feelings and concerns around the pregnancy and birth, as well as have an opportunity to talk through any previous pregnancies and births and how they made you feel. We will also have time to run through exercises to help you think about how you want your birth to feel, what will be your birth preferences and the options available to you. I can also provide you with information on informed choice, the physiology of birth, birth mechanics and feeding preferences. I will also be available by phone and text for the whole of your pregnancy.

I will then be on call to support you in your labour and birth and will be there as soon as you want me to be and will not leave until your baby is born and you are settled.

I will then come for 2 postnatal meetings where I can talk through any initial issues or concerns you might have, talk through your experience of birth and support you with your feeding, however that looks for you. These meetings can then take whatever form you chose, should that be holding the baby while you sleep, looking after older siblings, taking you out for your first walk or just cooking you a meal and helping you wash. Whatever you need. You can also opt to have more of these sessions on an ad hoc basis if you feel that would be helpful.

This package is £1000

Postnatal package:

If you know that you would like postnatal support while you are pregnant, after our initial free meeting, I would love to come and meet you at least once before you give birth so we can get to know each other and make sure you feel really comfortable with me so that I can best support you after your baby is born. In these meetings we can discuss what sort of support you think you will need and how you would like me to help you. We can also discuss your preferences for birth, feeding, sleep and any other issues – with the given caveat that all of this may change after the birth! I will then be there for you as soon as you have given birth, whenever is convenient for you. You can then book me for blocks of a minimum of 2 hours where I can provide whatever support feels best for you in that moment, whether it be emotional support for you and your partner, childcare of older siblings, caring for the baby so you can sleep or helping around the house with a bit of cooking or putting a wash on.

£100 for one antental and one 2-hour postnatal session. If you would like more support you can buy more hours in 2 hour slots charged at @£25 per hour

SOS Doula support:

If you and your family decide that you would benefit from some support after your baby is born, as with the above package this can take the form you need – whether that be emotional or practical I am happy to help. I can help with feeding, take out the bins or just hold your hand while you talk through how you are feeling if that is what you need. Some parents would like a break from holding the baby, others want some time alone with the baby. I can take out big brothers and sisters for a play in the park, run you a bath or make you a cake (it might be flat but I’ll put lots of chocolate in it!)

£25 per hour, minimum of 2 hours.

Antenatal support:

This is for parents who in the lead up to birth, would benefit from one or two sessions to discuss in detail your birth preferences, options and concerns with an impartial person. This can also be a space to discuss previous pregnancies and births and any concerns that have arisen as a result. I will help signpost you to the most up to date information and help you navigate what services and options are available to you in your area so that you can make informed choices. This will result in a comprehensive birth preferences document that you feel happy with.
